
Rahul Gandhi

Time & Tide

Selected Stage Credits:

  • Rafi in What Rough Beast by Alice Abracen (Theatre Ouest End + Tantalus, Presented by Centaur Theatre, META nomination for Outstanding Lead Performance)
  • “M” in Lungs by Duncan MacMillan (Kitbag Theatre)
  • “Miles” in The Drawer Boy by Michael Healey (Watermark Theatre)
  • Direction for Stephen King’s Misery (Watermark Theatre)
  • Direction for One and the Other by Kent Stetson (Central Standard Theatre, London UK)
  • Direction for Jesus Hopped the ‘A’ Train by Stephen Adly Gurigis (House of Actors, Winner of Best Direction of a Play, BroadwayWorld Montreal)


Selected Film/TV Credits:

  • The Bold Type (Freeform)
  • The Naughty Nine (Disney+)
  • Best Sellers (Lina Roessler).


Other: Past Director of the Quebec Drama Federation. Thanking everyone back home, and of course, my biggest supporters, my parents <3 .